Author Guidelines

The following sections contain vital information for authors. We advise reviewing them carefully prior to submitting your research paper.

Evaluation Process

Manuscripts being considered for publication in USL Journals undergo a thorough review process. Initially, they are assessed by members of the editorial committee to ensure completeness. Subsequently, they are forwarded to reviewers who offer insightful comments and often propose specific enhancements for the submission. These comments and suggestions are then communicated to the authors for their consideration and potential implementation.

Reviewers assess submissions across five distinct categories:

  • Originality: Assessing the novelty and uniqueness of the research work presented in the submission.
  • Clarity and Organization: Evaluating the clarity of writing, coherence of arguments, and overall organization of the manuscript.
  • Methodology: Scrutinizing the appropriateness and rigor of the research methods employed in the study.
  • Contribution to the Field: Examining the significance and contribution of the research findings to the existing body of knowledge in the field.
  • Validity and Reliability: Checking the accuracy, reliability, and validity of the data and conclusions drawn from the study.

Submission Guidelines

All manuscripts should be submitted online at that can be accessed from the Online Submissions section.

It is essential to conduct a thorough check and proofread your articles before submission. Once your article is submitted, you won't be able to make any alterations during the refereeing process. However, if your article is accepted, you will have the opportunity to make minor revisions after refereeing and before the final submission.

Submitted articles should not exceed 25% of content that has been previously published by the same author or authors in other sources. Acknowledgment and proper citation of these sources are required. In essence, a minimum of 75% of the article must consist of unique and original content exclusive to the current submission.

download The papers submitted for publication should follow the paper format approved by University of Saint Louis - University Research and Development Center.

Formatting your Paper

Authors are requested to submit papers in English, limited to a maximum of 8 double-column pages, showcasing the outcomes of original research pertinent to the journal's scope. It is required for authors to verify of citations, figures, and tables in their submissions. Additionally, figures and images should be of high quality, ensuring clarity and avoiding pixelation.

It is advisable to refrain from employing excessive italics and emboldening within the text. Papers should strive for clarity, precision, and logical coherence, typically not surpassing 4,000 words in length.

The author must provide at least 25 references. Use of tools such as Mendeley for reference management and formatting, and choose IEEE style. Each citation should be written in the order of appearance in the text in square brackets.